Special FX & Blending
From the moment I had control of f-stop, shutter speed and film speed, I've been experimenting with exposure. I shot my first timed exposures when I was 18. I still have the shutter release cable I used. I shot light paintings with flashlights on the cliffs at the Pinnacle in Kempton, PA. I still have the negatives.
For over a decade, the only lens I used was a Nikkor 28mm for the Nikon FM2. Even now, with a Canon 17 to 45mm variable focal length lens, I spend more time at the 17 to 28mm range than anywhere else. I love the breadth and depth of a wide angle lens. It helps me tell a bigger story, and create a more epic world.
From the beginning, I have been drawn to panoramic vistas and massive structures. I prefer shooting during Nautical Twilight. And I can't resist the electric glow of a city at night.