
Please Excuse the Mess

First and foremost, please excuse the mess. I'm in the process of updating this site along with its companion site on PhotoShelter.

Content and Forms will be a little wonky for a while.

Stephen in Ireland


I got my first camera when I was 14 years old - a Kodak Tele-Instamatic 608. In 1980, I upgraded to a Fujica STX-1. I went from there to a Minolta XE-7, then to a Nikon FM2. I picked up a Mamiya 645 along the way. Then I switched to Digital, first with a Canon PowerShot S7, then to a Canon PowerShot G10. I went full frame with a Canon 5D Mark II, then upgraded to a 5D Mark III a few years later.

For over a decade, the only lens I used was a Nikkor 28mm for the Nikon FM2. Even now, with a Canon 17 to 45mm variable focal length lens, I spend more time at the 17 to 28mm range than anywhere else. I love the breadth and depth of a wide angle lens. It helps me tell a bigger story, and create a more epic world.

From the beginning, I have been drawn to panoramic vistas and massive structures. I prefer shooting during Nautical Twilight. And I can't resist the electric glow of a city at night.

Stephen in Ireland

Fine Arts, Architectural & Real Estate

I have been juried into numerous exhibitions and galleries in the United States and abroad. My work has been published in magazines and online exhibitions. Two of my photographs were selected by King County Metro's Photo Mural Competition to appear on bus stops in downtown Seattle. I have done freelance photography, portraiture for families and performing artists, and promotional phography for artists, busineses, and realtors.

I have old-school experience. I understand exposure mechanics and focal dynamics. I can shoot in Manual. I specialize in timed exposures, multiple exposures, high dynamic range blending, panoramic photography, and timelapse photography. And I have the skills to bring your photographic needs into focus.

I'm a photographer.